
If you are improving your Vocabulary with new French words, this is definitely the best place. In this section you will be able to find a large list of common words related to house in French. So, it does not matter what level of French you have because this section will be surely useful for you.

Maison / House

la maison house la pièce - la salle room
chez moi at my house la cuisine kitchen
la porte door la salle à manger dining room
le couloir hall la salle de bain bathroom
un escalier stairway le bureau office, study
le porche
la véranda
porch la salle de séjour
le salon
den, living room
le balcon balcony la chambre bedroom
le patio patio le sous-sol basement
le jardin yard, garden le grenier attic

Videos of French vocabulary: House


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