People Personality

Each of us has certain characteristics, qualities, thoughts, feelings and behaviors that make us unique and distinguish us from other people. In this section you will be able to find a useful vocabulary related to people personality. Improve your vocabulary and use these words in your everyday conversations.

Personnalité / Personality

sportif athletic sympathique nice
courageux brave lâche cowardly
amical friendly froid unfriendly
drôle funny sérieux serious
travailleur hard-working paresseux lazy
intéressant interesting ennuyeux boring
gentil kind méchant mean
sans préjugés open-minded snob snobbish
ouvert outgoing timide shy
patient patient impatient impatient
patriotique patriotic stupide stupid
intelligent smart naïf naive
raffiné sophisticated faible weak
fort strong taquin playful
studieux studious    

Videos of French vocabulary: Personality


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