In French, each syllable of a word and each word is pronounced with the same emphasis, except for the final syllable of each rhythmic group. In order to emphasize a specific word in French, you must use either the accent affectif or the accent tonique.
- Put the word to be emphasized at the beginning or end of the sentence
- Use the construction c'est... que/qui
- Use both of these constructions together for very strong emphasis
Carlos, je l'aime bien. Je l'aime bien, Carlos. |
I like Carlos a lot. |
Moi, je n'en sais rien. Je n'en sais rien, moi. |
I don't know anything about it |
Chantal, elle n'a rien dit. Chantal n'a rien dit, elle. |
Chantal didn't say anything |
Je lui ai donné le livre, à elle. | I gave the book her |
Note: When emphasizing people, stressed pronouns are used.
C'est Carlos que j'aime. | I like Carlos a lot. |
C'est moi qui les aime. | I like them. |
C'est un collier qui a été volé. | A necklace was stolen. |
C'est votre réponse qui n'est pas juste. | Your response is not correct. |
Carlos, c'est lui qui l'a fait ! | It's Carlos, he's the one who did it! / Carlos that did it! |
Accent Marks
There are five different kinds of accent marks used in written French. They are:Accent | Letters used |
acute accent (accent aigu) | é only |
grave accent (accent grave) | è, à, ù |
circumflex (accent circonflexe) | â, ê, î, ô, û |
diaeresis (tréma) | ë, ï, ü, ÿ |
cedilla (cédille) | Ç only |
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