One of the most interesting and fun vocabularies to learn is definitely the vocabulary related to animals. Here you will find a complete list containing useful French words that will definitely help you to improve your vocabulary.

Animaux / Animals

le chat cat
le chien dog
la vache cow
le taureau bull
la génisse heifer
le veau calf
le mouton sheep
le bélier ram
la brebis ewe
l'agneau (m) lamb
la chèvre goat
le chevreau kid
le cochon, la coche pig
le porcelet piglet
la mouffette skunk
le raton laveur racoon
la mangouste mongoose
le tatou armadillo
l'oryctérope (m) aardvark
le tapir tapir
l'ours (m) bear
l'ours (m) polaire polar bear
le renard arctique arctic fox
le piranha piranha

Videos of French vocabulary: Animals


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